Saturday, May 19, 2007

Youth Group Girls' Conference

Praise God for His work in our Youth Group today. My hubby and I volunteer in our Youth Group at Church, and today, the Church put on a Conference for the Girls in the Youth Group. It was a one day conference with four sessions: spiritual gifts, modesty, nutrition, and relationships. All the speakers were ladies who volunteer in the Youth Group. I did the session on Modesty.

We have so much to be thankful for in terms of this conference. God truly was working in the girls hearts. We had 40 girls which was great for this time of year. Much prayer and preparation was put into this event.

I was very nervous to do my session. This was my first time teaching a lesson like this in a larger setting. I lead the 6th Grade Girls Small Group at church, but there is never more than 10 girls at one time and the environment is very relaxed and casual. I was so excited about this opportunity to share with the girls about modesty. This is an area that I am very passionate about. Thursday evening, I was freaking out and told my hubby that maybe I was wrong and shouldn't be doing this, that maybe someone better at this type of thing should do it. And he lovingly told me that he knew that I could do this and that everything would be fine and that I should go up there Saturday and just talk to the girls, to just share with them from one female to the other what was on my heart about this topic. I am thankful for his confidence in me.

After talking with my hubby, I knew that I needed to go to God about this and give it to Him. So, I put the lesson down and spent time talking to God. I told Him that this was not about me and that I was giving Him control of this and that without Him, I knew I couldn't do this, but that only through Him would I be able to give my lesson.

Today, I was not nervous, but had a peace and confidence from God. The lesson went great and I know it was because I surrendered it to Him. It is amazing how God can use us when we allow Him to be in control. So, today, I am praising God for this experience.


Anonymous said...

I am very glad to hear that your conference went well and that you had the peace of your speaking. You said that you were passionate about the topic of modesty and I find that facinating. I am very passionate about True Love Waits and have been for many years. I hope you have a wonderful Sunday. I am fixin' to work on my 8 things about me list. Everyone I know has already been tagged, so I probably won't do any taggin' this time. Sorry. I still don't even know how to link peoples name to my blog yet either. I will catch on sooner or later. Sorry this is so long too! I will be back in blogland on Monday!

Julie said...

As a mom of teens I am so thankful to others who take the time to teach my children about modesty and sexual purity. Our family is pretty open about this topic and we discuss it often, however, it is always great when other adults or teens that they respect reinforce these values. For some reason teens can hear something at home but not really get it untl they hear it from someone else. Thanks for taking the time to be one of those people.

Also, thanks for thinking of me but unfortunately I have already participated in this meme. It seems to be a real popular one. Feel free to tag me anytime.

Have a great Sunday!

Melanie said...

Sounds like a great conference!
My 8 random things meme is up now.